Tuesday, November 26, 2019


AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE essays Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are two of literatures greatest innovators, they each changed the face of American literature. they are also considered one of literatures greatest pair of opposites. Dickinson is a timid wreck loose. While Whitman was very open and sociable, Whitman shares the ideas of William Cullen Bryant, everyone and everything is somehow linked by a higher bond. Both Whitman and Dickinson were decades ahead of their time, sharing only the universality of their works. Whitmans works always express his feelings of equality towards all mankind For every atom belonging to me as good to you(Whitman 347). Whitman exemplifies the American values of equal opportunity. Uncle Walt always sympathized with the common man because that is who he is, a common man. Whitmans works often express his love for himself I celebrate myself, and I sing myself, and what I assume you shall assume(Whitman 347). Whitmans bold statements are one of many reasons that Uncle Walt has become so popular and so very universal. Walt Whitman has the fortitude to say what every person has on his or her mind. Whitman often writes about his feelings in a list or catalog, then he would constantly revise his it. Whitman would never use rhyme scheme or meter he expressed his feelings, the spotted hawk swoops by accusing me, he complains of my gab and my loitering. I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.(Whitman 359) Emily Dickinson on the other hand did not have the fortitude to directly address her problems. She always addressed herself through her poetry. Heart! We will forget him! You and I tonight! You may forget the warmth he gave- I will forget the light(Dickinson 374). Instead of talking and thinking out her problems she puts her emotions into her writing, creating literary work ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Deinotherium - Facts and Figures

Deinotherium - Facts and Figures Name: Deinotherium (Greek for terrible mammal); pronounced DIE-no-THEE-ree-um Habitat: Woodlands of Africa and Eurasia Historical Epoch: Middle Miocene-Modern (10 million to 10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: About 16 feet long and 4-5 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; downward-curving tusks on lower jaw    About Deinotherium The deino in Deinotherium derives from the same Greek root as the dino in dinosaurthis terrible mammal (actually a genus of prehistoric elephant) was one of the largest non-dinosaur animals ever to roam the earth, rivaled only by contemporary thunder beasts like Brontotherium and Chalicotherium. Apart from its sizable (four to five ton) weight, the most notable feature of Deinotherium was its short, downward-curving tusks, so different from the usual elephant appendages that puzzled 19th-century paleontologists managed to reassemble them upside down.   Deinotherium wasnt directly ancestral to modern-day elephants, instead inhabiting an evolutionary side branch along with close relatives like Amebeledon and Anancus. The type species of this megafauna mammal, D. giganteum, was discovered in Europe in the early 19th century, but subsequent excavations show the course of its peregrinations over the next few million years: from its home base in Europe, Deinotherium radiated eastward, into Asia, but by the start of the Pleistocene epoch it was restricted to Africa. (The other two generally accepted species of Deinotherium are D. indicum, named in 1845, and D. bozasi, named in 1934.) Amazingly, isolated populations of Deinotherium persisted into historical times, until they either succumbed to changing climatic conditions (shortly after the end of the last Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago) or were hunted to extinction by early Homo sapiens. Some scholars speculate that these giant beasts inspired ancient tales of, well, giants, which would make Deinotherium yet another plus-sized megafauna mammal to have fired the imaginations of our distant ancestors (for example, the single-horned Elasmotherium may well have inspired the legend of the unicorn).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The decline of tradition of holistic approach to culture in Coursework

The decline of tradition of holistic approach to culture in anthropology - Coursework Example social as well as the political processes to anthropology has had adopted a more scientific approach in their analysis leading to the decline of traditional holistic approaches. The emergence of a different view of culture and culture politics has resulted into a different view of how anthropologists regard holistic culture in their interpretation of key concepts and dimensions. The quest to verify all cultural attributes has led to anthropologist consideration of only specific trends in culture instead of adopting the entire culture of the people being studied. Cultural politics considers political ramifications of all cultures across a number of artistic and academic disciplines such as anthropology. Politics has all along relied heavily on culture to offer explanations for some of the actions of key politicians and general political conduct in the society. However the emergence of academic disciplines such as political science has led to the decline of tradition holistic approach to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Firms Making Competitive Moves Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Firms Making Competitive Moves - Assignment Example This study stresses that among the advantages of being a first mover, is especially when making the exceptional initial moves in a particular market that allow a specific firm to come up with a dominant position that other businesses strain to overcome. A sufficient example of this is the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) that established a very strong bond with the officials of China in leading the Western Fast Foods, as they were the initial western restaurant that entered China first. Currently, they are still the leading firm in the rapidly growing market. Among the disadvantages, a first mover cannot be so certain about the likelihood of the customers in embracing the offerings that make the initial moves inherently risky.This paper declares that  a time a rival or even a competitor introduces a disruptive innovation that in most cases conflict the existing competitive practices for instance the emergence of online trading where the executives make informed choices from three main responses. First, they might think that the innovation could effectively replace the established offerings therefore choice on focus particularly on the traditional methods of business. Second, a firm could choose to overcome the challenge by attacking different dimension and perspective. Finally, simply a firm may decide to match the competitors’ direction of the move.  A Blue Ocean Strategy entails the creation of a new and untapped market instead of competition with rivals in an existing market.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Abortion Case Study Paper Essay Example for Free

Abortion Case Study Paper Essay The case that I chose to discuss is whether it is ethically right or wrong for parents to decide whether or not they wish to keep an unborn child. This essay will address several questions that have been raised as to whether or not an abortion is moral or immoral, and if it were immoral, in what circumstances it would be justified. These are all relevant facts that both physicians and parents have to take into account when they are making their decision. If one would look at this case by the care ethics point of view their main focus would be on the care of the patient. It is important to look at that person and understand their emotional and physical decisions. Care ethics differs from deontology and utilitarianism because care ethics makes the decision based on consideration for the individual instead of making a moral decision impartially. See more: Homeless satire essay If everyone looked at abortion in a care ethic standpoint they would look at the situation by identifying the people involved, the relationships and what the future may be produce. The most important object of the care ethic is that the person judging the other must put the act that he or she must be willing to put another person before him or himself. Whichever result is chosen, it is important to respect one another’s decisions. In the chapters of our text we have been given several different scenarios of abortion. Out of those a few dealt with the care ethic and the choices faced. An article that fully supports my ideas and opinions is Thomson’s â€Å"A Defense of Abortion†. Thomson was very realistic and down to Earth in â€Å"A Defense of Abortion.† She speaks of real life situations when the decision of the mother is taken into consideration; thus providing us an example of the care ethic. I like that Thomson spoke about a territory that not many writers want to speak about. Speaking about the right of life and a mother’s feelings and futures is important to me. The article by Margaret Olivia Little entitled â€Å"The Morality of Abortion† is by far the one that I agree with the most! Philosopher Little believes that the moral status of the fetus is only one aspect of the morality of abortion. She speaks of the relationship in motherhood and the process of creation. The line that I loved the most was â€Å"The pregnant woman has not made the fetus more vulnerable than it would otherwise have been: absent her procreative actions, it wouldn’t have existed at all.† This line alone really explains to me what she is trying to say to people. I am happy that she wrote such a powerful article. While examining the care ethic, it is important to note that if complications are present, a whole new set of ethical issues are opened up. Yet, abortion has been a controversial subject among everybody whether they are involved directly or indirectly, whether they are for it or against it. It is nearly impossible to find someone who doesnt have an opinion about abortion. Both those who favor or oppose abortion make superior arguments to defend their beliefs and views. Personally, I think every last person is entitled to his or her own opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and rights. And yes, women have rights too, and denying women the right to choose abortion in the early stages of fetal development is denying her rights as a US citizen.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rethinking Leadership in the Learning Organization Essay -- essays pap

Rethinking Leadership in the Learning Organization A proclamation by a CEO that â€Å"we are going to become a learning organization† will likely be met with collective eye rolling and wonderings of, â€Å"What workshop did he attend last week?† Indeed, many employees are so accustomed to these management â€Å"initiatives-of-the-month† that seeing any results from such a managerial decree is extremely unlikely. Another of the main barriers to creating a learning organization, Senge says, is the difference between compliance and commitment. The employees are loath to accept change that starts at the top of the managerial hierarchy. A value is a value only if voluntarily chosen. We cannot force others to learn. Since it is really the individuals that comprise a learning organization, there is no substitute for a personal desire to learn. Decisions made by managers can also have the effect of paradoxically moving an organization backwards. Downsizing can lead to increased competitiveness, which is a hindrance to productivity. Competitiveness can also undermine collaborative efforts and thereby affect a company’s economic prosperity. Senge defines three leadership types that he says are essential to building a learning organization: 1. Local line leaders. These are leaders who undertake meaningful experiments to test whether new learning capabilities actually lead to improved business results. 2. Executive leaders. They provide support for line leaders,...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Greed is for Wimps

In a Wall Street Journal article titled â€Å"Greed is for Wimps†, the writer talks about how the new generation, Generation Y, is becoming more socially aware. According to the article, this new generation of professionals wants to give back to the community. Apparently it’s not enough to be successful and make all the money in the world. These young professionals are no longer satisfied with driving expensive cars and wearing name brand clothes. An interview with one such young entrepreneur explained how â€Å"the positive impact [we] make on people’s lives is the best measure† of accomplishment. (Omidi) With the way this new generation has such easy access to information over the Internet and socially networking sites, it facilitates them to become more socially conscious. Also, with the effects of the financial crisis still lingering around, this new generation is beginning to find unappealing careers that focus just on making money. Perhaps today’s youth is realizing that everyone’s lives in this world is more intertwined than we believed. We can no longer just look out for ourselves and we can’t decide to help others once we have all the money we want. Instead we should help others as we make our money. I really hope this article is revealing what’s really going on in today’s professional generation and it’s not just subjective. It would be great if everyone began to see that â€Å"social returns outweigh the financial ones. †

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Late Adulthood Essay

Reaching late adulthood is a stage in life that individuals often hope to be able to reach. Life starts from the moment of conception and goes on until we all reach the unavoidable stage of death. Individuals all deal with life in many different ways. An adult that has gone through life completing most of the tasks that he/she wanted to complete can go into the stage of late adulthood generally happy. †¨People in late adulthood often face many health problems. I have researched three sites that identify the current issues that place significance on late adulthood. Current issues consist of depression and suicide, health care issues as well as a decline in a physical manner and cognitive development. †¨Late adulthood is generally considered to begin approximately around the age of 65. Erik Erikson suggests that at this time it is important to find meaning and satisfaction in life rather than to become bitter and disillusioned. That is, to resolve the conflict of integrity ve rsus despair. It has been estimated that by the year 2030, Americans over 65 will make up 20% of the population. Despite the problems associated with longevity, studies of people in their 70s have shown that growing old is not necessarily synonymous with substantial mental or physical deterioration. Many older people are happy and engaged in a variety of activities. However, it still remains that according to the American Psychological Association depression and suicide are a significant public health issues for older adults. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders experienced by elders, but fortunately it is treatable by a variety of means. Currently older adults in the United States succumb to more minor symptoms of depression at a higher then that of younger adults. Late adults in the Baby Boomer generation seem to be displaying depressive  disorders at a significantly higher rate than previous groups; this trend displays a greater incidence of depression.†¨ †¨Depression is not only a prevalent disorder but is also a pervasive problem. Depressed older adults, like younger persons, tend to use health services at high rates, engage in poorer health behaviors, and evidence what is known as â€Å"excess disability.† Depression is also associated with suicide. Older adults have the highest rates of suicide of any a ge group, and this is particularly pronounced among men. †¨Physical changes, people typically reach the peak of their physical strength and endurance during there twenties and then gradually decline. In later adulthood, a variety of physiological changes may occur, including some degree of atrophy of the brain and a decrease in the rate of neural processes. Bone mass diminishes, especially among women, leading to bone density disorders such as osteoporosis. Muscles become weaker unless exercise programs are followed. You become less flexible and hair loss occurs in both sexes. As people live longer issues of quality of life take on greater importance. Many older Americans suffer chronic health problems that limit their ability to enjoy their later years. These conditions often lead to serious physical limitations that have a major impact on an individual’s ability to live independently.The most common chronic health problem among older adults is arthritis. Nationally, among persons aged 70 or older, 50% of men and 64% of women reported having arthritis (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics, 2000). In Texas, the percentage is virtually the same – 51.3% of persons 65 and older report that they have some form of chronic joint symptoms (Texas Department of Health, 1999). Arthritis can be a crippling and painful disease that makes it difficult for older adults to perform even the most basic Adult Living Skills. End result is lost of mobility and disability. Adjustment is a part of life. The study of cognitive changes in the older population is complex. Response speeds have been reported to decline; some researchers believe that age†related decrease in working memory is the crucial factor underlying poorer performance by the elderly on cognitive tasks. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Intellectual changes in late adulthood , it do not always result in reduction of ability. While fluid intelligence (the ability to see and to use patterns and relationships to solve problems) does decline in later years, crystallized intelligence (the ability to use accumulated information  to solve problems and make decisions) has been shown to rise slightly over the entire life span. K. Warner Schaie and Sherry Willis reported that a decline in cognitive performance could be reversed in 40% to 60% of elderly people who were given remedial training. Dementia is usually responsible for cognitive defects seen in older people. These disorders, however, occur only in about 15% of people over 65. The leading cause of dementia in the United States is Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive, eventually fatal disease that begins with confusion and memory lapses and ends with the loss of ability to care for oneself. Being able to reach old age is a blessing and a gift. Howe ver, it can come with a lot adjustment as life takes it toll. As I have explained late adults can suffer from depression and suicide, health care issues, as well as a decline in physical and cognitive development. As young adults we most try to remain physically and mentally tough to slow these effects.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Hypallage

Definition and Examples of Hypallage A figure of speech in which an adjective or participle (an epithet) grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or thing it is actually describing is called hypallage. Hypallage is sometimes defined more broadly as the inversion or radical rearrangement of normal word order, an extreme type of anastrophe or hyperbaton. Examples and Observations: I lighted a thoughtful cigarette and, dismissing Archimedes for the nonce, allowed my mind to dwell once more on the ghastly jam into which I had been thrust by young Stiffys ill-advised behaviour.(P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938)Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers.(T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land)anyone lived in a pretty how town(with up so floating many bells down)(E.E. Cummings, anyone lived in a pretty how town)There one goes, unsullied as yet, in his Pullman pride, toyingoh, boy!with a blunderbuss bourbon, being smoked by a large cigar, riding out to the wide open spaces of the faces of his waiting audience.(Dylan Thomas, A Visit to America. Quite Early One Morning, 1968)[I]n short, tis of such a nature, as my father once told my Uncle Toby, upon the close of a long dissertation upon the subject: You can scarce, said he, combine two ideas together upon it, brother Toby, without an hypallage.Whats that? cried my u ncle Toby.The cart before the horse, replied my father.(Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, 1759-1767) Like enallage, hypallage is an apparent mistake. All changes of grammatical function are not valid cases of hypallage. Puttenham, who calls hypallage the changeling, points out that the user of this figure perverts meaning by shifting the application of words: . . . as he should say for . . . come dine with me and stay not, come stay with and me and dine not.The mistake becomes a figure by expressing a meaning, albeit an unexpected one. According to Guiraud (p. 197), The device is related to the aesthetics of vagueness; by suppressing the relationship of necessity between determined and determinant, it tends to liberate the latter.(Bernard Marie Dupriez and Albert W. Halsall, A Dictionary of Literary Devices. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991) Shakespeares Use of Hypallage His coward lips did from their color fly.(Cassius in William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, Act 1, sc. 2)The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, mans hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was.(Bottom in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act 4, sc. 1)The rhetorical figure Shakespeare uses here is hypallage, often described as the transferred epithet. His rudeness so with his authorized youth did livery falseness in a pride of truth. It is the rudeness that is authorized, not the youth; hypallage transfers the modifier (authorized) from object (rudeness) to subject (youth).(Lisa Freinkel, Reading Shakespeares Will. Columbia Univ. Press, 2002)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Short Biography of Hugo de Vries

Short Biography of Hugo de Vries Hugo Marie de Vries was born on February 16, 1848, to Maria Everardina Reuvens and Djur Gerrit de Vries in Haarlem, The Netherlands. His father was a lawyer who later went on to serve as the Prime Minister of The Netherlands in the 1870s. As a young child, Hugo quickly found a love of plants and even won several awards for his botany projects while he attended school in Haarlem and The Hauge. de Vries decided to pursue a degree in botany from Leiden University. While studying at the college, Hugo became intrigued by experimental botany and Charles Darwins Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. He graduated in 1870 from Leiden University with a Doctorate in botany. He taught for a short time before attending Heidelberg University to study Chemistry and Physics. However, that adventure only lasted only  about a semester before he went off to Wurzberg to study plant growth. He went back to teaching botany, geology, and zoology in Amsterdam for several years while returning to Wurzburg on his vacations to continue his work with plant growth. Personal Life In 1875, Hugo de Vries moved to Germany where he worked and published his findings on plant growth. It was while he was living there that he met and married Elisabeth Louise Egeling in 1878. They returned to Amsterdam where Hugo was hired as a lecturer at the University of Amsterdam. It was not long before he was elected as a member of the Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences. In 1881, he was given full professorship in botany. Hugo and Elisabeth had a total of four children - one daughter and three sons. Biography Hugo de Vries is best known for his work in the field of genetics as the subject was in its so-called infancy stages. Gregor Mendels findings were not well known at the time, and de Vries had come up with some very similar data that could be put together with Mendels laws to create a more fully developed picture of genetics. In 1889, Hugo de Vries hypothesized that his plants had what he called pangenes. Pangenes are what is now known as genes and they carried the genetic information from one generation to the next. In 1900, after Gregor Mendel published his findings from working with pea plants, de Vries saw that Mendel had discovered the same things he had seen in his plants as he wrote his book. Since de Vries did not have Gregor Mendels work as a starting point for his experiments, he instead relied on writings by Charles Darwin who hypothesized how traits were passed down from parents to offspring generation after generation. Hugo decided that the characteristics were transmitted via some sort of particle that was given to the offspring by the parents. This particle was dubbed a pangene and the name was later shortened by other scientists to just gene. In addition to discovering genes, de Vries also focused on how species changed because of those genes. Even though his mentors, while he was at University and worked in labs, did not buy into the Theory of Evolution as written by Darwin, Hugo was a big fan of Darwins work. His decision to incorporate the idea of evolution and a change in species over time into his own thesis for his doctorate was met with a lot of resistance by his professors. He ignored their pleas to remove that part of his thesis and successfully defended his ideas. Hugo de Vries explained that the species changed over time most likely through changes, which he called mutations, in genes. He saw these differences in wild forms of evening primrose and used this as evidence to prove that species did change as Darwin said, and probably on a much quicker timeline than what Darwin had theorized. He became famous in his life due to this theory and revolutionized the way people thought about Darwins Theory of Evolution. Hugo de Vries retired from active teaching in 1918 and moved to his large estate where he continued to work in his large garden and study the plants he grew there, coming up with different discoveries he published. Hugo de Vries died on March 21, 1935, in Amsterdam.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assistive Technology (AT) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assistive Technology (AT) - Essay Example Further, from the many types of specialized devices, it can be seen that different capabilities require different forms of AT to improve, maintain and increase (Gillespie, Best & ONeill, 2012). The approximate number of students using AT in K-12 classrooms in North East Ohio is 150,000 (Carlson, 2005). The number of persons using AT in schools is increasing mainly because making AT accessible to them is a legal requirement. Every child or student is mandated to receive equal learning opportunities regardless of their disabilities of functional capabilities. To this end, more users of AT are enrolled in schools. Then, the effectiveness of AT is also an encouraging factor that leads more parents and guardians to enroll students in schools. Further, the funding of AT is primarily placed on school districts by federal law, which makes it more accessible to the growing number of students in need of them. It is recognized that disabilities will not just go away or get cured like most ailments. In fulfilling the mandate of availing equal opportunities to every citizen, the federal government acknowledges that persons with disabilities can use ATs to compensate certain disabilities, work around them and even leverage their strong points (Purcell & Grant, 2005). Therefore, the access to AT for persons with disabilities is mandated because AT will facilitate their endeavors towards becoming more independent, be it at home, school, work or throughout life. AT further helps persons with disabilities to lead healthy and productive lives. The law requiring persons with disabilities to have access to AT is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), revised in 1997 and 2004. It mandates that all children under special education must have their AT requirements considered by the respective school districts. It is crucial for special education teachers to write the device and a plan for use in the IEP because it will